

Dissolution of the Federation

a. The decision on a proposal to wind up the Federation rests with the General Assembly.b. A proposal to dissolve the Federation must be submitted in writing to the Executive Committee six months before that meeting of the General Assembly at which the decision by qualified majority is to be taken. The result of the discussion by the Executive Committee must be notified to all members of the General Assembly at least five months before the said meeting of the General Assembly.c. The net capital after liquidation shall be allocated to a non-profit aim concerned with advancing chemical and molecular sciences, by a qualified majority decision of the General Assembly meeting, which votes for dissolution. By lawsAccount in South AfricaFASC will use an account set up in South Africa to collect FASC monies (dues. conference profits etc,) and pay any FASC invoices (e.g. web site fees; IUPAC annual fees) as needed.This will continue until the FASC Executive decides to move the FASC account to another FASC affiliated country By law 2Annual fees (2020 – 2022)1) Payments (US dollar currency)1) The fee for Full Members will be $100 pa.2) The fee for Associate Members will be $100 pa3) The fee for Honorary members will be $04) The fee for Individual members will be $10 pa5) The fee for Young Affiliate members will be $5 pa2) Payments will be made to the FASC account held in South Africa By law 3FASC Conferences and General Assemblies1) Conference RotationThe FASC General Assembly and Conference will be held annually and be rotated to the various parts of Africa as follows:2019 South; 2022 North; 2025 West; 2027 East. This rotation system will be used for further events.2) Monies from the FASC General Assembly and ConferenceIn general these events will be held in conjunction with a local conference. The local organizers will pay 10% of the local conference profits to the FASC Treasurer for deposit into the FASC account. Version 31 March 2022


Amendments to the Constitution

a. A proposal for amendment to the constitution may be made to the General Assembly by the Executive Committee.b. An Ordinary Member may request the Executive Committee to make such a proposal to the General Assembly.c. To be approved, any amendment to the constitution shall be supported by a qualified majority decision of the General Assembly.



a. Source of funding: the financing required for the Federation activities could be covered through: b. The ordinary expenditure of the Secretariat and other expenses approved by the General Assembly (for example, special publications, translation of documents, and organization of activities) will be shared among all the member societies by mutual agreement.c. Each member society will be responsible for its own outlay.d. The financial year will start on 1 January and end on 31 December.


Organs of the Federation

The Executive Committeea. The Executive Committee shall fulfill the purpose of the Federation as defined in Article 2 and advise the General Assembly on the general policy of the Federation.b. The Executive Committee shall be responsible for managing the assets and property of the Federation.c. The Executive Committee shall be responsible, under delegated authority from the General Assembly, for managing the scientific, educational and professional activities of the Federation.d. The Executive Committee may, in accordance with the Rules for Standing Committees approved by the General Assembly, establish and abolish Standing Committees on matters for which it has delegated authority.e. The Executive Committee may appoint ad hoc task groups on matters as defined in the object of the Federation.f. The Executive Committee shall be composed of the President, the Treasurer, the Secretary, Vice President and the Immediate Past President.g. The Executive Committee should communicate during their term of office through electronic means.h. The Executive Committee should as far as possible hold a meeting at minimum every 6 months (electronic communication).i. Where voting is necessary, a simple majority is required, provided that at least 50% of the elected and appointed members present and voting are in favor. Where possible, issues should be decided by consensus.j. The decisions of the Executive Committee shall be recorded in a register, signed by the President, and kept by the Secretariat at the registered office. The PresidentThe General Assembly shall elect the President who shall serve on the Executive for one term of office before taking the office of President. The President shall serve for a single term of two years (or as determined by the dates of the GMs) and may be re-elected for a second consecutive term of office as President.a. The President shall be Chairman of the General Assembly and Chairman of the Executive Committee and may delegate responsibility for acting as Chairman.b. The President shall be entitled to represent the Federation before courts and to act on behalf of the Federation vis-à-vis any third parties. The President may delegate his/her mandate.c. The Vice-President shall serve for a single term of two years (as determined by the dates of the GMs) and may be re-elected for a second consecutive term of office as President.d. The Immediate Past President shall serve for two years (or a second term should the President be re-elected for a second term) as a member of the Executive Committee. The TreasurerThe Treasurer shall be elected at the General Assembly for appointment as Treasurer of the Federation. The Treasurer shall serve for a single term of two years (as determined by the dates of the AGMs) and may be re-appointed for further consecutive terms of office as Treasurer.The Treasurer shall serve as a member of the Executive Committee and shall attend meetings of the General Assembly. The General AssemblyThe General Assembly determines the general policy and the priority actions that are designed to achieve the objectives of the organization. The General Assembly may request advice from the Executive Committee and other groupings in determining the general policy and the priority actions.a. The General Assembly shall determine the general policy of the Federation.b. The General Assembly shall alsoi. decide on the admission of new Members to the Federation.ii. decide on any modification to the name or constitution.iii. decide on the dissolution of the Federation.iv. elect members of the Executive Committee.v. establish and abolish Divisions and Working Parties.vi. determine the fees payable.vii. approve the annual budget.viii. approve the audited accounts.ix. elect the President and appoint the Treasurer.c. The General Assembly shall meet approximately every two years at the location of the FASC Convention or in any other place to be specified in the letter of convocation.d. The notification to attend is made by letter, fax, e-mail or any other communication medium. The convocation should be given at least 28 days before the date of the meeting and specify the points of the agenda.e. An election will be held at the General Assembly where the Executive committee will be elected. This will comprise of: A Treasurer, a Secretary, a Vice-President and a President.f. A maximum of three extra members may be seconded to the Executive. They will not have voting rights at Executive Meetings. In the event that no member of the Executive resides in Ethiopia, one of these positions should be allocated to a delegate from Ethiopia. FASC is registered in Ethiopia.g. Nominations for the positions should be advertised in a letter of convocation 28 days before the election.h. The election will be conducted by the Past-President of FASC.i. The General Assembly shall consist of one representative from each Ordinary Member, who shall normally be either a member of the Federation Executive Committee, the President of the Ordinary Member or a designated alternate. A member of the Executive Committee who is not otherwise a member of the General Assembly may participate with voting rights in the meetings of the General Assembly. Associated Organizations are entitled to send observers to participate in the General Assembly meetings without voting rights. All individual members and affiliate members may participate as observers at the General Assembly meetings without voting rights.j. If requested by a simple majority of the Ordinary Members, a special meeting of the General Assembly may be held. The request for the meeting must be notified to the Secretariat, which shall inform all representatives in writing. The General Assembly must take place within the subsequent three months. A special meeting of the General Assembly may also be called by decision of the Executive Committee.k. Where voting at the General Assembly meetings is necessary, it shall be subject to the following. There shall be one vote per Ordinary Member. The Executive (President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Past-President) will also have one vote each. The Executive members cannot also vote as Ordinary members. To be carried by a simple majority, a resolution shall require a majority of votes by Ordinary Members, present and voting, with the provision that this majority at the same time represents more than



Any independent African society, national or multi-national (up to three), which is active in the field of chemistry, can apply for admission to the Federation, with the exception of societies which: Only one delegate per country has voting rights in FASC. Categories of membership:There will be five classes of membership a. Full membersFull membership is limited to a maximum of three major societies per country. b. Associate membersAssociate membership can be granted to other societies whose aims and activities warrant election. They will not have voting rights. c. Honorary members.Honorary membership can be granted to individual persons, in recognition of eminent services rendered to the Federation or in the domain of materials. Honorary members have the right to attend meetings of the General Assembly but do not have voting rights. d. Individual membersIndividual membership in FASC is allowed for any individual member of a Chemistry Society operating in Africa. Where no Society is operating in a country, the application will be evaluated by the FASC Executive. Individual members will have no voting rights. e. Young affiliate memberAny students studying for a post graduate degree in Chemistry or an allied area in an African University can become a Young affiliate member. A requirement is that they belong to a Chemical Society in Africa. Where no Society is operating in a country, the application will be evaluated by the FASC Executive. Young affiliate members will have no voting rights. Full or associate member societies will have legal status. In the event that a Society, which otherwise fulfills the conditions laid down for full or associate membership of the Federation, does not have legal status, it can designate an individual for membership of the Federation. This individual can be either the President or one of the full-time officers, for example the Secretary-General, of the said society. Admission and Termination:a. Upon application, membership is granted by the Executive Committee (EC) and approved by the General Assembly. As a general rule, an entrance fee is due. b. Termination of membership may be effected by simple majority decision of the General Assembly in the event that: c. The membership of a society or member terminates, when: The General Assembly has the power to expel any member whose activities it considers incompatible with the aims of the Federation. The termination of membership will be proposed by the executive committee, after having heard the arguments of the member concerned (orally or in writing). The vote on the expulsion of a member will be secret. Duties of members:a. Support the objectives of the Federation.b. Pay the annual dues prior to the annual meeting of the General Assembly.c. Submit on regular basis relevant information concerning one’s own activities to the Secretary.d. Publicize on regular basis the activities of the Federation as received from the Secretary, including distribution of the FASC publications, to the individual members of the Adhering Organization.



The objective of FASC is to promote the advancement of chemical sciences and the practice of chemistry that could be instrumental to the fulfillment of the development aspiration and objective of the people in Africa.FASC seeks: a. to promote and maintain effective communication throughout the community of chemists and chemical scientists in Africa.b. to promote collaborative activity among member societies and among the individual members of these societies.c. to maintain and promote high professional, educational and ethical standards.d. to disseminate chemical knowledge.e. to maintain a policy on safeguarding the environment and promotion of sustainable development.f. to act in an advisory, consultative and representative capacity in relation to African institutions and regional initiatives.g. to promote cooperation with other international organizations and similar regional and international networks. FASC pursues these objectives mainly by the following means:a. By holding or assisting in the holding of symposia and other scientific meetings and schools in order to exchange ideas and information, by offering opportunities and by encouraging discussions related to the fields in the chemical sciences.b. By cooperating with other organizations on scientific issues related to chemistry.c. By establishing working-groups for studying subjects related to chemical sciences.d. By collecting and disseminating relevant information on the activities of the member societies.e. By cooperating with other international scientific organizations (e.g. IUPAC, AAPAC, RSC, ACS, etc.) and by collaborating with other societies in joint meetings.f. By instituting and conferring awards related to the objectives of the Federation.g. By establishing and observing By-Laws.h. By following any other course of action that is in accordance with the objectives of the Federation.i. By promoting publications in all fields of the chemical sciences.


Name, Legal Form, Legal Headquarters, Duration

a. A not-for-profit African federation, entitled “Federation of African Societies of Chemistry”, is hereby created, hereinafter referred to as the “Federation” in accordance with the Ethiopian law (hereafter referred to as the “Law”). The Federation will also use the abbreviation: “FASC”b. Its legal headquarter is established at Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.c. The term “Chemical Societies” designates in this document not-for-profit making societies whose aim is to promote science and technology in the field of chemistry and related sciences.d. The life of the Association/Society is not delimited. Each member society remains an independent body.

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