Dissolution of the Federation

a. The decision on a proposal to wind up the Federation rests with the General Assembly.
b. A proposal to dissolve the Federation must be submitted in writing to the Executive Committee six months before that meeting of the General Assembly at which the decision by qualified majority is to be taken. The result of the discussion by the Executive Committee must be notified to all members of the General Assembly at least five months before the said meeting of the General Assembly.
c. The net capital after liquidation shall be allocated to a non-profit aim concerned with advancing chemical and molecular sciences, by a qualified majority decision of the General Assembly meeting, which votes for dissolution.

By laws
Account in South Africa
FASC will use an account set up in South Africa to collect FASC monies (dues. conference profits etc,) and pay any FASC invoices (e.g. web site fees; IUPAC annual fees) as needed.
This will continue until the FASC Executive decides to move the FASC account to another FASC affiliated country

By law 2
Annual fees (2020 – 2022)
1) Payments (US dollar currency)
1) The fee for Full Members will be $100 pa.
2) The fee for Associate Members will be $100 pa
3) The fee for Honorary members will be $0
4) The fee for Individual members will be $10 pa
5) The fee for Young Affiliate members will be $5 pa
2) Payments will be made to the FASC account held in South Africa

By law 3
FASC Conferences and General Assemblies
1) Conference Rotation
The FASC General Assembly and Conference will be held annually and be rotated to the various parts of Africa as follows:
2019 South; 2022 North; 2025 West; 2027 East. This rotation system will be used for further events.
2) Monies from the FASC General Assembly and Conference
In general these events will be held in conjunction with a local conference. The local organizers will pay 10% of the local conference profits to the FASC Treasurer for deposit into the FASC account.

Version 3
1 March 2022

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