Financial Support

Financial support from the RSC to attend the Atlantic Basin Conference (ABC) on Chemistry, and the FASC (Federation of African Chemical Societies) meeting

The Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) will provide financial support for up to six Early Career African Chemical Scientists to attend the upcoming Atlantic Basin Conference (ABC) on Chemistry, at which time the FASC (Federation of African Chemical Societies) will hold their General Meeting. The event will be held in Marrakesh, Morocco from the 13th – 16th December 2022, See the website for details: This support will cover the costs for travel, registration and accommodation and will principally support early career chemists (faculty under 40 years of age, post-doctoral researchers and PhD students) working in the chemical sciences. This is a great opportunity and all young chemical scientists at any African University are encouraged to apply for this support.


Application Details:

1. This opportunity is for African chemical scientists working in Africa.
2. Applicants wishing to attend must submit an abstract online to the ABCChem22 website ( before the 4th April 2022 submission deadline.
3. The application for support must be submitted to Prof Neil Coville
4. Your application should include:
1. A letter giving your reasons for wishing to attend the event and what you hope to gain from attendance (max. one page)
2. The abstract of the research paper or poster you submitted to the conference website.
3. A short CV, (max. two pages)
4. A letter of reference from your institution/supervisor supporting your application (max. two pages).
5. If supported by the RSC, you will be expected to give an oral or poster presentation at the conference.
6. The decision to support an applicant at the meeting will be done though a FASC committee, in conjunction with input from the RSC.
7. The decisions will be made by 20th May 2022, and successful applicants will be contacted after this date.

Applications will be assessed on the following criteria:

1. Quality of proposed contribution to the conference topics
2. Qualifications and relevant experience of the applicant
3. Reasons for attendance and expected benefit to the individual

Consideration will be given to ensure a selection of attendees from across the continent.

For more information, please contact: Prof Neil Coville :
Prof Mama El Rhazi :;

Fellowships for Early Career Chemists in Africa to attend the Federation of African Chemical Societies (FASC) Congress and the 6th Annual Day of Chemistry of Senegal.

This year the Federation of African Chemical Societies (FASC) will be holding their 9th FASC Congress in conjunction with the 6th Annual Day of Chemistry of Senegal. The event will be held in Dakar, Senegal from the 19-21 November 2024.

The Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) and the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) will be offering Fellowships to Early Career Chemists in Africa to attend the events. The grant on offer will go towards assistance with accommodation and registration fees.

Applicants for the Fellowship
• Must be either a post-graduate student or early career chemist.
• Must be younger than 35 years of age.
• Must present either a poster or a talk at the event.
•Must be working in the field of Chemical Sciences.
•Must be carrying out studies at an African University.

Documents required
• A CV
• A one page motivation letter by the applicant
• An abstract for a poster or talk
• A letter of acceptance of the abstract
• A copy of the 1st page of the passport
• A letter of reference

Deadline for submission of the documents is 30th June 2024. Documents to be sent simultaneously to:
• Prof. Mamia El Rhazi:
• Prof Ousmane Diouf:
Please see the FASC website or the conference website (under Congrès and FASC|JACS 2024) for details of the events

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