
Any independent African society, national or multi-national (up to three), which is active in the field of chemistry, can apply for admission to the Federation, with the exception of societies which:

  •  are involved in political activities or which have links with a political party, or
  •  discriminate between persons on the basis of their political beliefs, religion, race, or sex, or
  •  include, in their principal activities, the conduct of negotiations on their members’ behalf on subjects relating to salaries or conditions of employment, or
  • distribute profits to their members.

Only one delegate per country has voting rights in FASC.

Categories of membership:
There will be five classes of membership

a. Full members
Full membership is limited to a maximum of three major societies per country.

b. Associate members
Associate membership can be granted to other societies whose aims and activities warrant election. They will not have voting rights.

c. Honorary members.
Honorary membership can be granted to individual persons, in recognition of eminent services rendered to the Federation or in the domain of materials. Honorary members have the right to attend meetings of the General Assembly but do not have voting rights.

d. Individual members
Individual membership in FASC is allowed for any individual member of a Chemistry Society operating in Africa. Where no Society is operating in a country, the application will be evaluated by the FASC Executive. Individual members will have no voting rights.

e. Young affiliate member
Any students studying for a post graduate degree in Chemistry or an allied area in an African University can become a Young affiliate member. A requirement is that they belong to a Chemical Society in Africa. Where no Society is operating in a country, the application will be evaluated by the FASC Executive. Young affiliate members will have no voting rights.

Full or associate member societies will have legal status. In the event that a Society, which otherwise fulfills the conditions laid down for full or associate membership of the Federation, does not have legal status, it can designate an individual for membership of the Federation. This individual can be either the President or one of the full-time officers, for example the Secretary-General, of the said society.

Admission and Termination:
a. Upon application, membership is granted by the Executive Committee (EC) and approved by the General Assembly. As a general rule, an entrance fee is due.

b. Termination of membership may be effected by simple majority decision of the General Assembly in the event that:

  •  membership fees are unpaid for three years after the due date.
  •  no response has been received to repeated communications from the Secretariat over a period of one year.
  •  a member society or member has violated the constitution and/or seriously harmed the Federation.

c. The membership of a society or member terminates, when:

  •  it is dissolved.
  •  it notifies its withdrawal in writing to the Secretary of the Federation at least three months before the end of the calendar year.
  •  it has not paid the annual dues for three consecutive years.
  •  it has violated the constitution and/or seriously harmed the Federation.

The General Assembly has the power to expel any member whose activities it considers incompatible with the aims of the Federation. The termination of membership will be proposed by the executive committee, after having heard the arguments of the member concerned (orally or in writing). The vote on the expulsion of a member will be secret.

Duties of members:
a. Support the objectives of the Federation.
b. Pay the annual dues prior to the annual meeting of the General Assembly.
c. Submit on regular basis relevant information concerning one’s own activities to the Secretary.
d. Publicize on regular basis the activities of the Federation as received from the Secretary, including distribution of the FASC publications, to the individual members of the Adhering Organization.

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