Membership of FASC - Individual member and Young affiliate

As you may be aware, FASC has had difficulties with their bank account in Ethiopia. Government regulations there made it impossible to move monies in/out of the country. Further, covid-19 has had a disruptive influence on chemistry in Africa and as lockdown restrictions are lifted FASC can now continue with its objectives/work. As of December 2021 the FASC executive, after consultation with the RSC, have opened a bank account in South Africa. The account will be administered, with help, using the SACI facilities. This will allow for accounts to be audited and for easy money transfers.

FASC is thus at last in a position to restart collecting annual fees. During the past year, we have introduced two new FASC membership categories – Individual and Young affiliate membership.

The fees for 2024 are:

Individual member: US $10 Young affiliate: US $5 Payments can be made to the account listed on the invoice emailed to you  after registration.


Yours sincerely
Prof Neil Coville
FASC Past President

What does FASC do?

  1. FASC currently produces the African Journal of Chemical Education (Editor: Dr Engida, Ethiopia;
  2. FASC is coordinating the Atlantic Basin Conference (ABC) on Chemistry in Morocco (December 2022 (Chair: Prof Mamia el Rhazi, FASC President)
  3. FASC has a General Assembly every two years that rotates around the African continent. The next one will be held in collaboration with the ABC event (Organisers: Tunisia)
  4. FASC has a web site (currently being updated) to inform of all FASC activities
  5. FASC has recently produced a dedicated volume on chemical research, in Frontiers in Chemistry, to celebrate its 15th Anniversary.
  6. FASC is a member of IUPAC
  7. FASC produces a monthly newsletter
  8. FASC, with the financial support of the RSC supports young African chemists to attend conferences
  9. FASC members work closely with PACN
  10. FASC works with the RSC, ACS and IUPAC seeking support for African chemists
  11. FASC will be introducing web seminars for members
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