The Executive Committee
a. The Executive Committee shall fulfill the purpose of the Federation as defined in Article 2 and advise the General Assembly on the general policy of the Federation.
b. The Executive Committee shall be responsible for managing the assets and property of the Federation.
c. The Executive Committee shall be responsible, under delegated authority from the General Assembly, for managing the scientific, educational and professional activities of the Federation.
d. The Executive Committee may, in accordance with the Rules for Standing
Committees approved by the General Assembly, establish and abolish Standing Committees on matters for which it has delegated authority.
e. The Executive Committee may appoint ad hoc task groups on matters as defined in the object of the Federation.
f. The Executive Committee shall be composed of the President, the Treasurer, the Secretary, Vice President and the Immediate Past President.
g. The Executive Committee should communicate during their term of office through electronic means.
h. The Executive Committee should as far as possible hold a meeting at minimum every 6 months (electronic communication).
i. Where voting is necessary, a simple majority is required, provided that at least 50% of the elected and appointed members present and voting are in favor. Where possible, issues should be decided by consensus.
j. The decisions of the Executive Committee shall be recorded in a register, signed by the President, and kept by the Secretariat at the registered office.
The President
The General Assembly shall elect the President who shall serve on the Executive for one term of office before taking the office of President. The President shall serve for a single term of two years (or as determined by the dates of the GMs) and may be re-elected for a second consecutive term of office as President.
a. The President shall be Chairman of the General Assembly and Chairman of the Executive Committee and may delegate responsibility for acting as Chairman.
b. The President shall be entitled to represent the Federation before courts and to act on behalf of the Federation vis-à-vis any third parties. The President may delegate his/her mandate.
c. The Vice-President shall serve for a single term of two years (as determined by the dates of the GMs) and may be re-elected for a second consecutive term of office as President.
d. The Immediate Past President shall serve for two years (or a second term should the President be re-elected for a second term) as a member of the Executive Committee.
The Treasurer
The Treasurer shall be elected at the General Assembly for appointment as Treasurer of the Federation. The Treasurer shall serve for a single term of two years (as determined by the dates of the AGMs) and may be re-appointed for further consecutive terms of office as Treasurer.
The Treasurer shall serve as a member of the Executive Committee and shall attend meetings of the General Assembly.
The General Assembly
The General Assembly determines the general policy and the priority actions that are designed to achieve the objectives of the organization. The General Assembly may request advice from the Executive Committee and other groupings in determining the general policy and the priority actions.
a. The General Assembly shall determine the general policy of the Federation.
b. The General Assembly shall also
i. decide on the admission of new Members to the Federation.
ii. decide on any modification to the name or constitution.
iii. decide on the dissolution of the Federation.
iv. elect members of the Executive Committee.
v. establish and abolish Divisions and Working Parties.
vi. determine the fees payable.
vii. approve the annual budget.
viii. approve the audited accounts.
ix. elect the President and appoint the Treasurer.
c. The General Assembly shall meet approximately every two years at the location of the FASC Convention or in any other place to be specified in the letter of convocation.
d. The notification to attend is made by letter, fax, e-mail or any other communication medium. The convocation should be given at least 28 days before the date of the meeting and specify the points of the agenda.
e. An election will be held at the General Assembly where the Executive committee will be elected. This will comprise of: A Treasurer, a Secretary, a Vice-President and a President.
f. A maximum of three extra members may be seconded to the Executive. They will not have voting rights at Executive Meetings. In the event that no member of the Executive resides in Ethiopia, one of these positions should be allocated to a delegate from Ethiopia. FASC is registered in Ethiopia.
g. Nominations for the positions should be advertised in a letter of convocation 28 days before the election.
h. The election will be conducted by the Past-President of FASC.
i. The General Assembly shall consist of one representative from each Ordinary Member, who shall normally be either a member of the Federation Executive Committee, the President of the Ordinary Member or a designated alternate. A member of the Executive Committee who is not otherwise a member of the General Assembly may participate with voting rights in the meetings of the General Assembly. Associated Organizations are entitled to send observers to participate in the General Assembly meetings without voting rights. All individual members and affiliate members may participate as observers at the General Assembly meetings without voting rights.
j. If requested by a simple majority of the Ordinary Members, a special meeting of the General Assembly may be held. The request for the meeting must be notified to the Secretariat, which shall inform all representatives in writing. The General Assembly must take place within the subsequent three months. A special meeting of the General Assembly may also be called by decision of the Executive Committee.
k. Where voting at the General Assembly meetings is necessary, it shall be subject to the following. There shall be one vote per Ordinary Member. The Executive (President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Past-President) will also have one vote each. The Executive members cannot also vote as Ordinary members. To be carried by a simple majority, a resolution shall require a majority of votes by Ordinary Members, present and voting, with the provision that this majority at the same time represents more than 50% of the individual members of those Ordinary Members present and voting. To be carried by a qualified majority, a resolution shall require a two-thirds majority of votes by Ordinary Members, present and voting, with the provision that this majority at the same time represents more than two-thirds of the individual members of those Ordinary Members present and voting. Where possible, issues should be decided by consensus. The President shall have a casting vote.
l. A quorum is constituted at a General Assembly if a simple majority of members are present and voting.
m. The decisions of the General Assembly shall be recorded in a register, signed by the Chairman, and kept by the Secretariat at the registered office.
Divisions/Working Parties
a. Divisions and Working Parties shall be empowered to further the object of the Federation within their respective spheres of interest.
b. The General Assembly, on recommendation from the Executive Committee, may establish and abolish Divisions and Working Parties.
c. The Chairman of a Division/Working Party can be an ex officio member of the Executive Committee and may attend the General Assembly in a non-voting capacity.
d. The Divisions shall operate in accordance with the Directives for Divisions.
The Secretary
a. The Secretary shall carry out the administration of the business of the Federation.
b. The costs incurred by the Secretary shall be borne by those Ordinary Members to which the general administration and other tasks have been assigned, unless and until other sources of funding are available.